Product Information
שיעורים בספר התניא - ג כרכים
Shiurim B'Sefer HaTanya - Set
Hardcover | 7" x 10" | 3 Vol. Set
Published by: Kehos
About this Book
A Hebrew version of the Lessons in Tanya heard on the radio broadcasts that were a highlight of the evening following Shabbos in Greater New York.
The written text of each lesson was submitted to the Lubavitcher Rebbe before the broadcast, for correction and annotation. These annotations appear at the foot of the page. The language is extremely clear. Each chapter of Tanya receives an introduction and summary recapitulation. The often-recondite terminology is translated into simple Hebrew, and the commentary brings out the straightforward meaning of the text, utilizing many Chasidic stories and analogies. The novice student of Chasidus and Kabbalah will find spiritual growth and satisfaction in this very special work.
The editorial committee consisted of Rabbi Moshe Pinchos HaKohen Katz, Rabbi Yosef HaLevi Wineberg, the original broadcast voice of Tanya, and Rabbi Yosef Menachem Mendel Tenenbaum.