6" x 9"
252 Pages
Written by: Rabbi Shea Hecht
Published by: Mosaica Press
First published in 1985, Confessions of a Jewish Cultbuster revealed actual case histories of Jewish youngsters rescued from cults, deprogrammed and returned to their families. This completely revised and updated edition contributes new stories while continuing the timeless message of the struggle of young Jews in search of identity amid a myriad of spiritual and emotional snares and smiling enemies. This honest, shocking, and challenging work arms every reader with a practical understanding of how to protect against soul snatchers.
Book contains sensitive information. Intended for those dealing with youngsters at risk from cults.
RABBI SHEA HECHT is a member of a distinguished family of fourth generation American Jews, rabbis, and scholars. He is one of twelve children of the eminent Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht, ob”m, and Rebbitzen Chave Hecht. After several decades as a deprogrammer, Rabbi Shea broadened his focus to directing the multifaceted Jewish educational organization, N.C.F.J.E., and has become a major figure in the field of marriage and family counseling.