6" x 9"
622 Pages
Written by: Rabbi Yonason David Arenias
Published by: Adir Press
Would you like to finally see the big picture and know what Sefer Bamidbar is really about? Are you confused about the order of events, or why one passage follows the next? Do you want to know what the major commentators say on the parshah? Would you like reading the weekly parshah to be an enjoyable experience that you look forward to each week?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, Rabbi Yonason Arenias, a writer and educator of note, has written the book for you. “Serious enough to satisfy the mature and sophisticated student, yet laid out with a clarity that makes it accessible even for the younger student” (Rabbi Ahron Lopinasky).
In Journey of Faith you will:
- Get an amazingly clear picture of what’s going on in the parashah – from its flowing, easy-to-read running commentary (largely narrative)
- See the big picture (from outlines and overviews) and get in depth analyses of key topics — you choose how much detail to go into
Enjoy reading a really clear, elucidated translation (the translation is in bold and brief explanatory additions in non-bold) and get the entire Hebrew Chumash text
- Find out what the major commentators say on each parshah
- Enjoy the stunning page layout, with questions and answers lining the margins
“It is indeed a masterpiece and well worth reading. It is very inspiring...” —HaRav Yisroel Belsky, zt”l,
“Authoritative, insightful, and extremely well presented.” —Rabbi Berel Wein
“Rabbi Arenias has a gift for clear and engaging writing” —Shlomo Greenwald, Jewish Press
Not just another parashah book. Enjoy and understand Sefer Bamidbar like never before!