6.5" x 9.5"
391 Pages
Selected Discourses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Published by: Kehos
As the title Lessons in Sefer HaMaamarim implies, this volume was conceived as a shiur, a Torah class, in print. When a maamar is taught in a shiur, the teacher reads a passage, translates it into the language in which his listeners are most comfortable, and intersperses his own explanations, sometimes brief and sometimes lengthly. In these pages we have tried to recapture that live interplay between the words of the Rebbe and the words of the student, i.e. the words of the teacher conveying the maamar - or, to borrow the classic idiom, divrei harav and divrei hatalmid.
As the sample pages indicates, the reader now has before him the original Hebrew text of the maamar, its translation, the explanatory words and concepts added by the translators, and the Rebbe's explanatory notes which were originally included as footnotes but are here woven into the exposition of the texts. The footnotes here include the translation of footnotes originally included in the Rebbe's maamarim as well as references and commentary added by our staff.
Maamarim Included:
Matzvah Zo
- Veniglah K'vod Havayah
- Gai Einai V'Abitah
- BaChodesh HaShelishi
- Tziyon BeMishpat Tipadeh
- Ani LeDodi VeDodi Li